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The Plan The Promise 2024

Please fill out the Signature Page for the Plan and the Promise after you have read over the information.


GIVE Center West



GIVE West Logo


5550 Peachtree Industrial Boulevard
Norcross, GA 30071  

Main Office Phone  (770) 246-5300

Main Office Fax (770) 246-5348

Visit the School Website

Last Revised: [May 07 , 2024]

Where is plan


The Family and Community Engagement Plan and all other Title I information are available on our school’s website under the Title I Section. The GIVE West Family and Community Engagement Plan will be available for parents during the Annual Title I Parent Meetings. Families can also find paper copies of this Family and Community Engagement Plan in our Parent Center. Parents can also access the Plan on our school’s website.

As new students register at GIVE West, parents attend a mandatory orientation where parents will learn about the Title I program at GIVE West and will receive a copy of the Title I documents.


It is reviewed and revised at least annually during the Planning Meeting in the spring. All feedback forms from the Planning Meeting are submitted to the Office of Federal Programs for review.  Families who are not able to attend the Planning Meeting have the opportunity to review draft documents and provide input during the draft document review period.


GIVE Center West will communicate with parents via email through School Messenger, school flyers and newsletters, school phone calls, and interpretation devices during live workshops and meetings. Almost all communication is provided in both English and Spanish – other languages are available upon request. Meetings can be requested by calling the following phone numbers:

Front desk: 770-246-5301

Ms. Riddick, Lead Counselor:
HS (9-11th grades/A-L)

Ms. Rutledge, Counselor
HS (9-11th grades/M-Z)

Ms. Medina, Counselor
12th  Grade

Ms. Tate, Counselor
MS (6-8th grades)

Ms. Garcia, Parent Instructional Support Center:  770- 246-5341 email:



Empathy: Cultural competence, staff and student wellbeing, educator diversity.
Equity: Multi-tiered system of supports, opportunity and access, equitable resource allocation.
Effectiveness: Results-Based evaluation system, talent management, educational return on investment.
Excellence: Preferred education destination, post-secondary and workforce readiness, world-class communication and engagement.  



We will increase student achievement results, with targeted Targets based on the four strategic priorities within the district’s Blueprint for the Future: Empathy, Equity, Effectiveness, and Excellence.

Empathy 1B:  Staff and student wellbeing: Increased SEL offerings, more counselors/interventionists.

Excellence 4C: World-class communications and engagement: Increase communication with parents, increase information/support for families.



What is Family


It is a plan that describes how our school will provide opportunities to improve family engagement that will support student learning at school and at home. All students and their families are invited and encouraged to fully participate in the opportunities described in this plan. The school will provide information and as many opportunities as possible for the participation of all family members.


It is a written agreement that outlines how the school, the students, and the family will work together to ensure your child’s academic success. An effective School-Family Promise contains the following elements:

  • Clear learning goals that are linked to the school’s improvement plan
  • Specific skills students will learn during the year
  • Strategies that staff, families, and students will use to improve student learning
  • Ways to extend learning at home
  • Methods teachers and family members will use to communicate about student progress
  • Opportunities for family members to observe and participate in the classroom
  • Jointly-developed by families, school staff, students, community business partners, and other stakeholders during our Planning Meeting
  • Reviewed and revised throughout the year 
  • GIVE Center West will review the School-Family Promise with families during parent-teacher conferences, parent workshops, IEP meetings, SST meetings, and periodically throughout the school year.


  • Title I Program Information: Program information is available during the Title I Planning Meeting in the spring and Annual Parent Meetings in the fall, on the school website, and in the Parent Center.
  • Curriculum Information: Knowing what your child is learning at school is important. We will keep you informed throughout the year about what your child is learning during parent meetings, conferences, eCLASS, and on our school website.
  • Student Progress Monitoring: The Parent Portal is an online resource that allows families to view grades, attendance, schedules, assessment, and your child’s results, course history, and much more. Monitoring your child’s progress in school is an important way to be engaged.
  • Parent Resources: We have many resources available for checkout to use at home with your child. We also host several parent workshops to empower you as you work with your child at home.
  • Staff Training: We will train our staff to effectively communicate with you. Your input on how we train our staff is valuable.
  • Communication: We will communicate, to the extent feasible, all information with you in a language and format you understand. Whenever possible, we will provide interpreters during parent workshops, and academic events. Translation is available for most documents.
  • Transition Support: Entering a new school can be scary for both students and families. We will host events to make sure both you and your child are aware of what is expected and how you can prepare as your child transitions to a new school level, college, and career.


GIVE Center West will…


  • Provide support to families for IXL, Edmentum, Navigate360, Sown to Grow, Deltamath, BrainPop, Amplify Reading and iREADY through eCLASS, teacher webpages, and parent portal to help build our students' math computation, problem-solving skills, and overall well-being.
  • Offer parent workshops, open conferences, and meetings to share strategies with parents to support in math computation, problem-solving, content area learning strategies, and Social and Emotional Learning.




As Students, we will…

icon: person reading a book


  • Use IXL, Edmentum, Navigate360, Sown to Grow, Deltamath, BrainPop, Amplify Reading, and iReady to help build math computation, problem-solving skills, and overall well-being.
  • Encourage our parents to attend parent workshops, open conferences, and meetings to learn strategies to support us in math computation and problem-solving, content area learning strategies, and Social and Emotional Learning.

As Families, we will…

icon: man and woman


  • Monitor IXL, Edmentum, Navigate360, Sown to Grow, Deltamath, BrainPop, Amplify Reading, and iReady to support math computation, problem-solving skills, and overall well-being. 
  • Participate in my child's education by attending parent workshops to learn strategies to support my child in math computation, problem-solving, content area learning strategies, and Social and Emotional Learning.

Let's Talk


Several methods for regular two-way teacher-family communications include parent conferences, parent portal, school website, eCLASS, weekly e-mails, phone calls, teachers’ webpages, progress reports, text messages, Title I newsletter, and teacher notes.


If you need interpretation and/or translation services, please contact: Consuelo Garcia at 770-246-5341


Title I Planning Meeting

Title I Document Review Period

Instructional Technology for Parents/Students

Annual Title I Parent Meeting

English Learners Parent Meeting

Math, Science, and Music Night

Language Arts, Social Studies, and Arts Night                     

Middle School Exit Transition Parent Meeting


Gwinnett county public schools





  • Title I is a federal program designed to support school reform efforts to improve teaching and learning for all students.
  • Title I programs are based on effective means of improving student achievement and include strategies to support family engagement.
  • The Title I Office reserves at least one percent of the district’s allocation to fund family and community engagement programs. The use of these funds is based on suggestions gathered at our spring Planning Meetings from families and community members. Funds are distributed equally to all our Title I schools.
  • Childcare and/or transportation may be provided for meetings and school events.


GIVE Center West Mission statement

The mission of GIVE Center West is to provide a structured and supportive alternative school environment that holds high academic and behavioral standards and fosters excellence in GCPS academic knowledge and skills as measured against local, national, and world-class.





Our Parent Center has learning games, books, and many other resources available for families to check out and use at home. Our Parent Instructional Coordinator is Consuelo Garcia. She is available to help you find resources, navigate the Parent Portal, connect with teachers, and learn about ways you can help your children at home.

Our Parent Center is located in the Main Building Room # 1.108

Parent Center Hours:

Monday - Thursday, 6:35 AM -2:50 PM

Friday, 6:35 AM -1:30 PM


Please contact Consuelo Garcia for additional information about our parent center and resources available for checkout.

Phone number: 770-246-5341





For volunteer opportunities, contact: Consuelo Garcia at 770-246-5341

For classroom observations, contact your child’s teachers.