Clinic Information
Mrs. Laurie Garrett
Clinic hours:
7:05 AM to 1:00 PM
Clinic Resources
Clinic Cards:
Clinic Cards need to be completed during Registration/Orientation with medical issues indicated on the back of the card. If a medical condition is listed, you will need to see Mrs. Garrett before leaving orientation.
For the safety of all students at our school, the following guidelines should be followed when requesting administration of medications at school:
No medication can be given to a student without a Parent/Guardian’s written permission. A Gwinnett County Administration of Medication Form must be completed and signed. The Clinic Card is not written permission to administer medications. In order to dispense medications during school hours, Parent/Guardians MUST provide medication in an original, labeled, child-proof container with proper documentation. Students may not transport medications to school. School staff will only administer medication according to the directions on the label. Only those medications required during school hours should be administered at school. Please check with your physician regarding the need for medications to be administered during school hours.
Students are never to have medication in their possession while attending school. All medicines (prescription and non-prescription) are to be kept in the clinic and administered there.
Any medications remaining at the end of the school year must be picked up by a Parent/Guardia or school staff will dispose of them.
Health Management Plans:
If it has been indicated on the Clinic Card that a student has a current medical problem, a completed Health Management Plan should be on file in the clinic. These forms help provide the medical information needed to best care for your child while at school. They need to be updated each school year.
Check-Out Policy:
The clinic is available for illnesses or injuries that occur during school hours. If a student is too ill to remain at school, a Parent/Guardian will be contacted to pick his/her child up. The clinic must get Parent/Guardian permission before releasing any student from school.
Asthma Inhalers:
Students carrying prescribed inhalers with them throughout the day MUST have an Asthma Action Plan signed by a Parent/Guardian AND PHYSICIAN on file in the clinic. A physician will need to complete a portion of this form before the medication is brought to school.
Epinephrine (Epi-Pen) is a cardiac drug and MUST be stored in the clinic. If a student has been diagnosed with an allergy, the Allergy Emergency Plan MUST be completed and kept on file in the clinic.